Director: Hadi El Bagoury Production: Ashoub Films Editor: Ahmed Hafez Colorist: Ahmed Essam Post House: Aroma Design
In Hardees new advertisement for Fire Angus, Aroma Studios cooperated in creating the fire smoke effects as well as the color grading. Director: Hadi El Bagoury Colorst: Ahmed Essam Production House: Talkies Agency: Mi7
In this breakdown we showcase the VFX/CGI process applied as a whole, the process which brought to existence the desert like sensation to fit this action packed clip for Amr 60’s Had Aref song. From creating environments, prisons bars, cells and corridors, to VFX solutions for the action scenes including it’s backgrounds. Editor: Ahmed Hafez […]
One of AROMA’s successful collaborations with the talented director Mohamed Sami lead to his unique video clip for Amr 60’s 7ad 3aref song. AROMA produced incredible CGI and VFX work as well as editing and grading. Check out the making video showing a detailed process of how it was all done. Editor: Ahmed Hafez Colorist: […]
Electrostar’s 2016 advertisement was directed by Hadi El Bagoury in collaboration with Film District and Aroma Studios. Director: Hadi El Bagoury Editor: Ahmed Alaa Colorist: Ahmed Essam Production House: Film Disctrict Post House: Aroma Studio
An advertisement made to illustrate how effective Ponds Cream really is. By interviewing a number of women and exposing them to specific emotional stimuli, the product was put to the test. Directed by Ahmed El Nagar, and edited by Magdy Kamal, AROMA’s contribution stands out clearly. Director: Ahmed EL Nagar Editor: Magdy Kamal Colorist: Ahmed […]
In a series of successful collaborations with Director Mohamed Sami; AROMA provided the Creative Direction and Post services for this video clip. Edited by Ahmed Yosry; Colorists Charbel Mouawad & Ahmed Essam along with all VFX work . D.O.P: Galal El Zaki Director: Mohamed Sami