Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of who we are, especially when we all faced those harsh times. We as a team have done a lot of achievements and raised the standards. It’s time to remind ourselves how strong we are.. to the future we always aim for… WE ARE STRONG WE FIGHT ON… #AROMA […]
In this breakdown we showcase the VFX/CGI process applied as a whole, the process which brought to existence the desert like sensation to fit this action packed clip for Amr 60’s Had Aref song. From creating environments, prisons bars, cells and corridors, to VFX solutions for the action scenes including it’s backgrounds. Editor: Ahmed Hafez […]
One of AROMA’s successful collaborations with the talented director Mohamed Sami lead to his unique video clip for Amr 60’s 7ad 3aref song. AROMA produced incredible CGI and VFX work as well as editing and grading. Check out the making video showing a detailed process of how it was all done. Editor: Ahmed Hafez Colorist: […]
Watch how AROMA created the VFX for the Bake Rolz TV commercial. Directed By Mohamed El Zayat
This making shows the epic work done for this award winning film Aswar El Aamar. The talented Aroma team did incredible VFX work which is all shown with details in this video. Director: Tarek El Arian VFX Supervisor: Tarek Refaat
In this making clip; AROMA showcased all the VFX before & After shots for this popular hit song. Director : Ahmed Manawishi